Martial Arts

This category will cover the traditions & codified systems of combat & life practices. Practices such as self-defence, spiritual development, physical & mental health, entertainment, & cultural bonding.
5 Benefits of Training Martial Arts While Feeling Heartbroken

Heartbroken | 5 Benefits of Training Martial Arts Feeling That Way

One of the worse feelings to ever experience throughout life is being heartbroken. The feeling of being heartbroken can occur in many different situations.  Different situations such as: You went through a break-up You got cheated on The person you were dating was leading you on Someone you know who was close to you passed […]

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Confidence For Public Speaking

Public Speaking | 5 Martial Art Lessons That Boosts Confidence For It

Doing public speaking assignments for school is one of the most nerve-racking feelings that I get whenever I have to do them. Before I got back into martial arts, I was a nervous wreck whenever it came to presenting. During my presentations I would say a lot of ”uh’s” and “um’s” in front of my

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