Muay Thai

This section will cover articles about Muay Thai. Muay Thai is a combat sport of Thailand that consists of using 8 limbs from your body to throw striking techniques.
Social Media Striking Coach

Social Media Striking Coach | 7 Signs They’re Realistic

Whether you are on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, & Pinterest, striking instructional videos for Boxing, Muay Thai, and Dutch Kickboxing demonstrated by a social media striking coach are everywhere on the feed. One of the questions asked today is, are these types of coaches good to take advice & learn techniques from? The answer depends on how they explain, describe, […]

Social Media Striking Coach | 7 Signs They’re Realistic Read More »

Giorgio & Armen Petrosyan | 5 Reasons to Attend Their Seminar

Giorgio & Armen Petrosyan hosts Muay Thai & Kickboxing seminars around the world that’s recommended for anybody to attend. Whenever you have the chance & they are hosting a seminar from whichever part of the world, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to go.  Giorgio Petrosyan( also known as “the doctor”) is one of

Giorgio & Armen Petrosyan | 5 Reasons to Attend Their Seminar Read More »

Muay Thai & Kickboxing Tournament

Muay Thai & Kickboxing Tournament | 5 Lessons From it?

A Muay Thai & Kickboxing tournament is different than an actual fight event since it’s point sparring rules. However, there are still lessons involved when competing, even though the rules are different.  Any competition in martial arts is considered a lesson for everybody who competes, & a tournament is the first step towards a humbling

Muay Thai & Kickboxing Tournament | 5 Lessons From it? Read More »

How Muay Thai & Dutch Kickboxing Toughens You Up

Dutch Kickboxing & Muay Thai is a great combination to learn & put together to strengthen your striking style. These two disciplines have their similarities & differences but combining them also teaches you to become a well-rounded striker.  The difference between these two styles is that Muay Thai has a heavier emphasis on using all

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Muay Thai Helps Eliminate Anxiety

Anxiety | 15 Types of Them That Muay Thai Eliminates

Whenever you’re experiencing anxiety throughout your day, it is one of the worst feelings ever for an individual to go through. I have experienced anxiety many times in my life & I hated it so much.  Feeling stressed, nervous, afraid, & unconfident are things that make you feel down. Feeling down can happen because of

Anxiety | 15 Types of Them That Muay Thai Eliminates Read More »

The 7 Benefits of How Skipping Improves Performance In Boxing & Muay Thai

Skipping | 7 Benefits | For Improving in Boxing & Muay Thai

Skipping is one of the best exercises to do when training in both Boxing & Muay Thai. When you’re consistent with this exercise during training, you will see the benefits behind it. It was a game-changer for me when I stayed consistent with this exercise. What I have developed from it has caused an improvement

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11 Points Twins SGL-10s Shin Guards

Twins Special | 11 Points Why The SGL-10 Shin Guards Are Marvelous

The Twins Special Shin Guards Double Padded SGL-10 is what I highly recommend getting when you are training Muay Thai & Kickboxing. The design & quality of these are high, so it provides excellent protection for your shins during training.  The experience of using the SGL-10s I found was excellent! Wearing these has a nice

Twins Special | 11 Points Why The SGL-10 Shin Guards Are Marvelous Read More »

Title MMA Anatomical Thai Pads

TITLE MMA Thai Pads | 6 Reasons Why The Anatomical Thai Pads Are Awesome

I found the TITLE MMA Anatomical Thai Pads is a part of the top 10 best pair of Thai pads I have tried using. While I was training Muay Thai & Kickboxing one day, I had the opportunity to try them out.  The feeling of using these is a little different comparing to Thai style

TITLE MMA Thai Pads | 6 Reasons Why The Anatomical Thai Pads Are Awesome Read More »