5 Kung Fu Techniques You Can Apply to Kickboxing

Kung Fu Techniques Used in Kickboxing

As I mentioned from the “5 Reasons Why Transitioning From Kung Fu to Kickboxing is a Good Change” journal, I was in Kung Fu martial arts before making the transition into kickboxing. From that article, I also pointed out how these 2 styles are very different from each other. 

However, there were some similarities that I discovered as I kept training in kickboxing. The idea of wanting to talk about the similarities between these styles came as I was writing the other topic.

I figured if I am talking about how the transition was a good experience. Then I will write about how there are Kung Fu techniques that I discovered I could use in Kickboxing.

Kung Fu Forward Pressure

1. Forward Pressure

In the Kung Fu curriculum, there was a lot of forwarding pressure that I had to learn back then. Learning the forward pressure was from practicing a lot of forms. The purpose of practicing this movement is to not give the opponent any space to reset and breathe.

What Happens When the Forward Pressure is Applied

When that happens, I found that it’s frustrating towards them because it causes them to have difficulties trying to get away from my strikes. With this forwarding pressure, I was able to apply it to kickboxing sparring. When I applied it, I found it worked very well for me. 

Most of my training partners back away from me when I apply pressure towards them. Whenever they do that, it gets them tired faster. Once they’re fatigued, it gives me the advantage to get in the inside distance. Once I am in that distance, I can take the opportunity to land my strikes.

Kung Fu & Muay Thai

2. Rear Roundhouse Kick

Kickboxing and Kung Fu have a similar use of the rear roundhouse kick. Since this kick was familiar to me, it wasn’t all that hard for me to relearn it. So, during sessions of where it came to kicking Thai pads and kick shields, it wasn’t a problem for me at all.

The thing that is different between the 2 styles is that kickboxing involves stepping in an angle with the lead leg. Creating an angle is very effective because it allows you to avoid a possible right cross punch while landing a kick simultaneously.

Kung Fu Front Kick vs. Muay Thai Front Kick

3. Push Kicks

Push kicks from Kung Fu was another one that I found that works in kickboxing. The style of the push kick is very similar to the kickboxing style. Back when I learned Kung Fu, practicing push kicks were done only on punching bags. 

For kickboxing, we repped them out on kick shields, on people wearing belly pads, & on punching bags. So, similar ways of practicing it except kickboxing has different equipment involved.

4. The Oblique Kick

The oblique kick is a technique that I have done a lot back then. I performed this kick while practicing different forms, as well as during sparring sessions. With this experience, I was able to apply it to kickboxing. 

This technique is taught in kickboxing too, but I noticed not a lot of people use it during sparring days. Since I had more experience of using this kick, I felt I had a little bit of an advantage during sparring days with some of my training partners. 

How to Apply The Oblique Kick in Sparring

When I performed the oblique kick during sparring, I liked how it stops someone from coming forward. For every sparring session that I have been a part of, I aim for kicking my training partner’s shin or thigh with my foot rather than the knee cap. 

Hitting the knee cap can injure your partner, which is not acceptable. So, during training hitting the shin or thigh with my foot is a safe option. But, when it comes to self-defense situations going for the knee cap is an option. 

Another thing about this technique is I like how I can use this to fake and transition into performing other kicks. Whenever I do this, it throws a lot of my training partners off during sparring.

More About the Oblique Kick

To find out more about the oblique kick, watch Vice Sport’s video of former UFC Light-Heavyweight Champion Jon “Bones” Jones demonstrating the kick.

5. The Calf Kick

The calf kick from Kung Fu is another technique that can be applied to kickboxing. When my coach was teaching the kickboxing style of the calf kick, I noticed that it’s kind of similar to the Kung Fu style. 

The only different thing is in Kung Fu it involves grabbing the wrist after a punch combo. Grabbing the wrist in kickboxing can not be done because of the boxing gloves that are on. Therefore, only a punch combo can be executed before setting up the calf kick.


Based on the Kung Fu techniques that we talked about, they are all known to be  moves that can be used in Kickboxing. These 2 disciplines may be different, but there are similar techniques that they share that works in specific ways.

If you have any more questions about Kung Fu techniques that can be used in Kickboxing, please leave a comment or send a message.


12 thoughts on “5 Kung Fu Techniques You Can Apply to Kickboxing”

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