Burpees | 9 Reasons To Do The 30-Day 100 Burpees Challenge During Social Distancing

Burpee Challenge

The 30-day 100 burpees challenge is one of the best things to do to stay in shape during the COVID-19 pandemic! Social distancing has had it’s ups and downs when it comes to training. The gyms aren’t open and workouts at home haven’t been the same.

However, a friend of mine sent me a text one day and challenged me to do a 30-day 100 burpee challenge.

So I accepted the challenge and I got to say there are no regrets. This challenge has accelerated my conditioning while social distancing, which is why I want to talk about how this challenge can help you.

Burpees are good for heart health
1. It’s Fast Cardiovascular Work

Doing 100 burpees usually takes me 3 to 5 minutes to finish. The cardiovascular work I get out of doing burpees is unbelievable. I would feel gassed after doing 30 or more repetitions. This feeling is just like when I hit a heavy bag with full power for 1 minute.

Fast cardiovascular work like this is what I like to do because it gets my heart rate up quickly.

Burpees gets you out of your comfort zone
2. It Helps You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Feeling gassed is what I want out from any cardiovascular exercise. The more cardiovascular work I get is when I know I am training hard. Being in the comfort zone doesn’t satisfy me, and I got to say burpees certainly helps me get out of that. I have always hated burpees!

Before I accepted the challenge, I never really did many of them during my conditioning days. Once I took up this challenge, my opinion of doing burpees has changed! The challenge is worth the results

3. It Keeps You Motivated

This challenge motivates me to get up and get it over with during the day. I have this challenge written down on my to-do list, so once the 100 burpees are complete I would check it off my list. Completing this challenge day-by-day feels like a huge accomplishment after. 

The more I felt this feeling, the more motivated I got of wanting to finish my daily 100 burpees. Once I complete the daily challenge, what I usually do after is my other daily exercise routine because I feel the need to do more.

Burpees can be done on a rainy day
4. You Can Do it on a Rainy Day

When it’s a rainy day, my plans of going out for runs is spoiled. To get my cardio in, doing the 100 burpee challenge is another option for me. After completing the 100 repetitions, I would feel as tired like how I do when I finish my run.

Burpees are good after a jog, or run
5. It Keeps You Conditioned

I know for a fact that I do not want to go back to training being out of shape. The conditioning exercises I do during martial arts training sucks, and I find doing the burpee challenge will help me stay in shape for it.

The reason why is because the cardiovascular work I get from it is just as hard as what I do during training. Since it’s just as difficult, it will help me stay prepared for conditioning days.Not only that, but it keeps me in shape for sparring days as well.

When it comes to sparring, I have to be ready to do at least 4 to 6 rounds for 3 minutes each. Since the 100 burpees challenge is an excellent cardiovascular exercise, I find it’s an awesome way to condition my lungs to withstand doing 4 to 6 rounds.

Burpees are good after a run
6. It's Good After a Run

After completing my run outside, I like to do my 100 burpees while warmed up after to give myself an extra cardiovascular workout. Doing this allows me to push myself. The more I did this, the more I began to see my cardiovascular performance excel.

If I were to be able to last longer during any martial arts class, this is the result I want.

Burpees are good in between workouts
7. It's Good In Between Workouts

There are days when I would switch my routine up of how I do my daily burpees. What I do is do them in between my workout routine. 

For example:

  1. 25 burpees
  2. Kettlebell Swings (15 Reps)
  3. 25 Burpees
  4. Kettlebell Cleans (15 Reps)
  5. 25 Burpees
  6. Kettlebell Shoulder Press (15 Reps)
  7. 25 Burpees
  8. Kettlebell Rows (15 Reps)
Doing a workout like this has given me crazy results, and I recommend anybody to add burpees in between other exercises they do. There are so many more burpee variations that you can make up to do for yourself. If you keep up with the variations, research says that you will get into shape quicker than you expect.
Shadowboxing For Kickboxing
8. You Can Practice How To Recover Actively

Active recovery is a common thing to practice in any martial art. Active recovery is about teaching yourself to gain your energy back slowly while moving and striking. So after I finish a set of burpees, I would shadowbox while tired to practice getting use to recover actively.

Woman doing burpees
9. It’s Good For Developing Explosive Strength

Developing explosive strength is very important for a martial artist to practice. In martial arts, the punches, kicks, and takedowns that I learned involve using explosive impact and strength. Using a lot of that can be tiring! 

Burpees is an excellent plyometric exercise to help build your endurance to last longer during martial arts training. I find the more burpees I can do, then the longer I will last when practicing striking combos and wrestling takedowns.


Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult time for everybody, but it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to stay in shape. Taking up the burpee challenge is the perfect thing to do during this tough time of gyms being closed.

If you want to maintain or develop your physical results, take this challenge & you will see your conditioning skyrocket.

If you have any more questions about the 30 Day 100 burpee challenge, please leave a comment or send a message.


2 thoughts on “Burpees | 9 Reasons To Do The 30-Day 100 Burpees Challenge During Social Distancing”

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