
MMA Fans | 9 Types You Meet in Real Life

9 Types of MMA Fans You Meet in Real Life

If you’re the type who goes out to the bar to watch MMA fights on TV or goes to a live MMA event with friends, then you know you’ll end up coming across different types of fans that are out there. 

Some are cool & chill. But some aren’t & can get super annoying! After watching a UFC fight event with a buddy, it came to mind of wanting to write about this topic. After the event was complete, we discussed who was cool & who was annoying around our environment.

If you’re a martial artist who trains in MMA or a specific martial arts discipline, you’ll have conversations about the different types of MMA fans pretty often. There are 9 types of these people. If you’re wondering what they are, I will be moving on to talking about it in the next section.

MMA Fans | The Know it All

1. The Know it all

“The know it all” is one of the most annoying & hilarious types of MMA fans you’ll come across. There are a ton of these that you hear at the bar or an MMA event.

How can you tell that a person is a “know it all” fan is when they talk as if they know what a fighter should do in an MMA match when they don’t train in MMA. What they say a professional fighter should do is usually wrong & is hilarious to hear.

2. The Meathead

These types of fans are also annoying! How to tell a person is a “meathead” type of fan is whenever they get loud in the room & start yelling out moves that aren’t intelligent to do in a competition. Examples of what they would say are: 

  • “rush him”
  • “brawl already”
  • “rush on that ground & pound”
  • “keep throwing those haymakers”

These types also don’t train in MMA either & are also considered pretty ignorant, thinking MMA competition is like a street fight.

3. The Martial Artist

The martial artist is the cool & calm one in the room whenever you’re at an MMA event. A martial artist is just there to watch, observe, & study the match that is going on. These individuals aren’t ignorant & understand what’s going on in the sport because they train in it. 

Therefore, they don’t like to judge how professional competitors compete against each other.

MMA Fans | The Professionals

4. The Professionals

The professionals are not the annoying type either because they train & compete in MMA. The professionals are also Martial Artists that study & watch professional MMA matches for their entertainment.

The difference is that they know more than the average martial artist because of their experience from the competition. Whenever you have friends who are professionals & you watch an MMA match with them at an event, they tend to explain what’s going on in the fight. 

The reason why is because they have experienced something similar & share their story with their friends.

MMA Fans | Normal fans

5. The Normal Fan

The “normal” fan is your average person who doesn’t have any martial arts experience but loves watching MMA professional fights. The majority of these fans are pretty humble & have a little bit of an understanding of the techniques used in a pro MMA competition.

When “normal” fans are together watching an MMA match with friends who are either martial artists or professional fighters, they would love to educate themselves more by listening to their experiences.

MMA Fans | The Obsessive One

6. The Obsessive One

The “obsessive” fan is the type that watches other MMA fight events besides UFC & wouldn’t want to miss watching any of them. Since fans like these have a big obsession with watching MMA, they usually know who the top competitors are from each MMA organization ( BellatorOne ChampionshipProfessional Fighters League (PFL), etc).

Not only do they know the leading competitors, but they also know who the up & coming competitors are too. So if you’re ever around a fan who is the obsessive type at a bar or event, that person would know about MMA competitions & fighters that you don’t know.

7. The Main Fighter Fans

The “main” fighter fans are those who only watch the big names or most popular MMA fighters compete live.

You’ll meet these types of fans at a bar or event since most will only show up to watch a UFC event once the main card starts. The preliminary & undercard they don’t care for because the fighters on there are not as well-known. 

8. The McGregor Fans

If you were to guess, you already know what kind of fans I am about to mention. Yes, that’s right. I am about to talk about the Conor McGregor fans. We all know that Conor is one of the biggest stars out there & his fan base is a big one.

The thing about the McGregor fans is that there’s such a wide range of different types. They can either be cool, funny, or super annoying. If you come across the cool ones, you won’t be annoyed since they’re the ones who are just being observant of Conor fighting.

The funny ones can be entertaining because they imitate Conor’s famous lines. But at the same time, they can also get annoying because of hearing them over & over again.

9. The Old School Fans

The old-school ones are the type of fans who’ll still watch the MMA events occurring today. However, they are not as big of a fan of the professional fighters that are popular today. They are more of a fan of the old school fighters such as:

These fighters are considered legends & there are so much more of them. The old-school fans found the legends more entertaining is because they were part of their era.

MMA Fans


When going out to watch a live UFC pay-per-view or going to any live MMA event, you’ll experience coming across the nine different types of MMA fans mentioned in this topic. Out of the 9, you’ll realize that some are cool & some are not. 

Meeting these types of fans also gives you a perspective of how they view & observe professional MMA fights. Once you begin to see that, you’ll start to see who’s knowledgeable about the sport of MMA.

If you have any more questions about the different types of MMA fans you meet in real life, please leave a comment or send us a message.


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