Kids Boxing | 5 Keys To Help Your Youth Students Improve

Kids Boxing | Cover Photo

Compared to adults, teaching kids the sport of boxing is a little bit more of a challenge. The reason is that kids between the ages of 4 to 11 are at the stage where they are discovering how their body works for movement purposes. 

Every child is different when it comes to learning boxing. Like adults, some learn fast or slow. The only difference is it is more of a challenge when teaching them.

If you have a youth student taking lessons from another sport, they will most likely get a grasp on learning boxing a bit quicker than one who does not. 

Coming from another sport is an advantage for kids who first get into boxing because they have learned movements that they can learn to transition. 

However, this is not always the case because some kids not in sports naturally know what to do right after you show them something. Cases like this are rare but could happen unexpectedly.

As mentioned, teaching kids the art of boxing is more of a challenge. However, there are methods to make it easier for yourself. To find out, read about the # keys mentioned to help build your knowledge.

Kids Boxing | Basics

1. Keep it Basic

When teaching children, it is essential to stick with teaching them the basics. Jumping right into teaching them high-repetition combos is not realistic. Doing that can cause a child to get lost in what to learn.

So, it is best to break your teachings down to them by simplifying the fundamentals with them.

Kids Boxing | Footwork

2. Footwork Consistency

Footwork is one of the first and most important things to be consistent with when teaching children. As mentioned before, kids are still at the stage where they are discovering different movements. 

Footwork is the foundation of boxing! Without footwork, kids will not know how to move & punch properly.

To read more about the importance of footwork, check out our article
 “5 Reasons Why It’s Important To Learn About Footwork First In Boxing”.

3. Have Patience

Patience is essential to have when helping kids to improve. Pushing them won’t do you any good and won’t make them progress any faster. 

Teaching boxing is about having patience and having a step-by-step process for children to follow to help them find their strengths.

4. Teach Them Patience

Not only do you need to teach yourself patience, but you will also need to show your youth students how to be. Some kids are at the stage where they can get frustrated fast when they are practicing techniques.

Therefore, it is essential to show them how to relax, slow down, & be patient while attempting to drill techniques correctly. 

In general, boxing & other types of martial arts teaches children how to be patient with themselves.

To read more about how it does, check out the “Evolve Daily” blog article, “How Martial Arts Teaches Children to be Patient”.
Kids Boxing | Discipline

4. Discipline Them

Kids can misbehave when you teach at times. A child does not improve when they fool around or misbehave in class. 

So, it is essential to discipline them so that they continue to behave. Teaching them this helps them stay focused on the lessons you teach them.

5. Be Creative

For each class you teach weekly, you must be creative when teaching children, or else they could get bored. You never want your youth students to get bored.

So discovering different drills & fun methods of how to train them will keep them interested.

6. Motivate Them

When teaching, another thing you do not want to do is leave them hanging. You got to be there to support them, or else they will lose interest in wanting to learn. 

When observing how they are drilling techniques you teach, correct them to show them you care about their progress.


Teaching kids is no easy task. Teaching adults may be a little easier. However, there are ways to help you make your teachings less difficult. 

The keys to helping your youth students to improve are sticking with the basics, teaching footwork consistently, being patient with them, showing them discipline, having creative teaching methods, & keeping them motivated.

When following these methods, never overthink or question yourself on how you are teaching your youth students. The best thing to remember is to keep your teachings simple so that you never get to the point where you need to teach fancy techniques.

If you have anymore questions in regards to the 6 keys to help Kids Improve in Boxing, please leave a comment or send us a message.


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